 MUSEUM OF JOMON ART 108-1 Minami-machi, Aza, Nakaniida-machi, Kami-gun, Miyagi Pref., 981-4241 0229-63-5030
A two hundred piece collection of Jomon earthenware forms the core of this museum. Amassed by poet Sakon Sou, the museum is housed in a specially renovated 'kura' or an old Japanese warehouse. A description by Sou of each item aids in understanding the detail of these ornate pieces better. There is a TOHOKU Modern Pottery and Porcelain Museum (Tel: 0229-63-3577) within easy walking distance( 7 min.) from the museum.
Open: 10:00-16:30 Closed: Mon., New Year's Holidays.(Dec.28 to Jan.4)
 TOHOKU Modern Pottery and Porcelain Museum 108-1 Minami-machi, Aza, Nakaniida-machi, Kami-gun, Miyagi Pref., 981-4241 0229-63-3577
TOHOKU Modern Pottery and Porcelain Museum was established in 1987 in order to preserve the folk ceramic culture in the region. The collection includes folk pottery and porcelain of Tohoku region made during Edo, Meiji and Taisho period are mainly shown. Kirikomi-yaki and Tsutsumi-yaki of Miyagi prefecture, Aizu-Hongo-yaki, Obori-Soma-yaki, Soma-Koma-yaki of Fukushima prefecture, Hirashimizu-yaki of Yamagata prefecture and Shiroiwa-yaki of Akita prefecture are on display. Special event of Ceramic Art Exhibition of all ages and countries are held in every Autumn. This is the museum worthy visit for folk pottery fan. There is also MUSEUM OF JOMON ART (Tel: 0229-63-5030) within easy walking distance( 7 min.) from the museum.
Open: 10:00-16:30 Closed: Monday, the following day of National Holidays, New Year's Holidays.(Dec.28 to Jan.4)
 The Marusu Museum 2-8-1 Chuo, Ishimaki-city, Miyagi Pref., 986-0835 0225-94-2811
The Marusu Museum was established in 1950 to house the collection of Suda family in the region. The collection includes earthenware, Sue-style ware, T'ang three-colored pottery, Kyo-yaki, Imari-yaki, Kutani-yaki, Seto-yaki, Mino-yaki, Shigaraki-yaki, Iga-yaki, Banko-yaki, Aizu-yaki and other ceramic ware are on display.
Open: 10:00-18:30 Closed: Second and Third Tuesday, please call for further details
 The Akamon Museum 33-1 Aoba-yama, Aoba-ku, Sendai-city, Miyagi Pref., 980-0000 022-224-1877
The Akamon Museum was established in 1982. The collection includes brush paintings, western paintings pottery and porcelain, swords, armors, helmets of samurai, sculptures as well as literature related 'DATE Family' the local clan family in the region are mainly on display.
Open: 9:00-17:00 Closed:7 days open during April to November, Second Tuesday is closed during December to March, please call for further details