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 Yellin's gallery sells pieces from the kilns of Japan's finest potters
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The Japan Ceramic Society, or Nihon Toji Kyokai, was founded in 1945 and began to give its prestigious prize in 1954, which also includes the ultra-prestigious "Gold Award" (given to only 20 potters to date). Among JCS award recipients, 20 are also Living National Treasures (LNTs).

Shimizu Uichi Kumakura Junkichi
Fujimoto Yoshimichi Yoshiga Taibi
Shofu Eiichi Tamura Koichi
Ohi Chozaemon Shimizu Rokubee
Kawamoto Goro Suzuki Osamu
Shinoda Giichi Nakazato Tarouemon Yamada Hikaru
Taniguchi Ryozo Fujiwara Ken
Tsuji Seimei Kimura Morikazu
Kato Shigetaka Kondo Yutaka Fujiwara Yu
Imaizumi Imaemon Hara Kiyoshi
Kato Tatsumi Kuriki Tatsusuke
Kaneshige Michiaki Tamaoki Yasuo
Onodera Gen Nakajima Hiroshi
Eguchi Katsumi Kato Kozo Nakazato Takashi
Ito Sekisui Koyama Shinichi Raku Kichizaemon
Miwa Ryosaku Suzuki Sansei
Yamada Jozan III Kaneshige Kosuke
Miwa Jusetsu (formerly Miwa Kyusetsu XI)
Special Award to celebrate 50th anniversary of JCS
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LEARN MORE ABOUT JAPAN'S AWARD SCENE For much more, please visit the PHOTO TOURS page. It includes links to other wonderful photo tours, including prior Japan Ceramic Society events, Living National Treasures, Contemporary Artists, How the Japanese Rank Their Potters, plus other visual resources.
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