Japan Times Story
Interview with Mihara Ken
Reshaping Japan
JPotters Bio
 Yellin's gallery sells pieces from the kilns of Japan's finest potters |
Exhibition of Stoneware by Mihara Ken July 17th to September 18th, 2002 At the e-y Net Showroom in Mishima City
Click here for directions, show times, and contact info
Mihara Ken is a ceramic artist of the highest order. His work is timeless in its references to ancient wares, its very contemporary temperament, and its alluring pull to the future; it's no wonder his work is being praised and awarded here in Japan. For two months his work is on display here at our e-y net office in Mishima, Shizuoka prefecture. Mihara was here for the opening two days and we had visitors from Tokyo, Nagoya, Tajimi, Osaka, and New York, and of course collectors from nearer areas. My spirit is very moved every time I walk into the exhibition room.
On the second day, the director of the soon to open Gifu Prefectural Contemporary Ceramics Museum (Gifu-ken Gendai Togei Bijutsukan) came by wanting a Mihara piece for the grand opening to be held in the autumn. He shall be getting one.
I'll be writing a large article about Mihara for my Japan Times column in August, and for an overseas publication; yet in the meantime, I wanted to share images of how the exhibition looks. Please feel free to inquire about any of the works. A few have been uploaded to japanespottery.com as well. I hope you enjoy this virtual exhibition.


For more on this artist, please visit: Interview with Mihara Ken Reshaping Japan's Ceramic Landscape Other Photos and Brief Bio of Mihara Ken