To see works by all prior JCS winners, click here
All photos by Robert Yellin
 Yellin's gallery sells pieces from the kilns of Japan's finest potters
AWARD-WINNING JAPANESE CERAMISTS Host: Japan Ceramic Society (Nihon Toji Kyokai) Location: Wako Hall in Ginza (Tokyo) Theme: Kazaru (To Decorate) Date: Jan. 2003 Overview: 44th Annual Exhibition. Featuring some 130 works, all for sale, by 48 ceramic artists. These potters are from across Japan and include 10 Living National Treasures. The styles on show were no less diverse. See below photos, and if you want more, click here to see 25 other pieces from the exhibit.
Awards. We all love them, whether they are for movies, music, or for sports personalities. The art world here in Japan is no different, and there are many awards to honor those who have excelled in their respective art forms.
The world of ceramic art boasts quite a few honors. One of them is the Japan Ceramic Society Prize, first handed out in 1954. Each January a broad overview of work by some of the past winners is displayed at Wako, Ginza, and this year marked the 44th exhibition.
 Scene inside exhibition hall
The theme of this year's display was kazaru, "to decorate." Top of my list in this exhibit (photos shown immediately below) was a powerful black form by Akiyama Yo of Kyoto, Yagi Akira's small porcelain jars, a splendid neriage koro by Ito Sekisui and Kakurezaki Ryuichi's angled vase. Also on display was an interesting torso form by Tokoname Living National Treasure Yamada Jozan and Suzuki Goro's fabulous yashichida Oribe guinomi that were not that heavy at all! This was quite a shock for only months before I was ragging on about the weight of Suzuki's work -- wonder if he had a read?
Click image to see larger full-version photo.
Small Porcelain Jars by Yagi Akira
Interesting torso form by Living National Treasure Yamada Jozan
This year's exhibition was a bit of a disappointment though, quite possibly due to a lack of planning or simply reflecting the mood of the nation. Many works were flat, dull, and uninspired. Possibly a "just going through the motions" way -- in any case, works by Imai Masayuki, Shimizu Uichi, Araki Takako -- we've all seen before -- and Takenaka Ko's attempt at cutesy wall paintings came off as Hello-Kitty-like material. Ohi Chozaemon's wall hanging was much better with its driftwood frame and fiery ame-yu glaze. See below photos. Click any image to see a larger version.
For an inside look at 25 more pieces from this exhibition, please click here. Let's hope that next year's exhibition offers up some more inspired works.
Kaneta Masanao Exhibition Kaneta Masanao (1953 - ) is one potter who has not won the JCS award but who indeed deserves it. An eighth-generation Hagi potter, Kaneta's exhibition was at Mitsukoshi Department Store the same time as the JCS's exhibition. Click here to learn more and view 15 of Kaneta's pieces.
 Work by Kaneta
LEARN MORE ABOUT JAPAN'S AWARD SCENE For much more, please visit the PHOTO TOURS page. It includes links to other wonderful photo tours, including prior Japan Ceramic Society events, Living National Treasures, Contemporary Artists, How the Japanese Rank Their Potters, plus other visual resources.
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