Shigaraki Ware (Shiga Prefecture)
High-fired unglazed ware famous for its ash deposits and distinctive forms. Originated around 12th century, spreading outward from Tokoname and Atsumi.
Shigaraki pottery is thought to have begun in the waning years of the Kamakura period (1192-1333). Like it's close cousin Bizen, Shigaraki wares were originally daily utensils with tsubo (jars), kame (wide-mouthed jars) and suribachi (grinding bowls) the main staples. Not until the tea masters of the Muromachi (1336-1568) and Momoyama periods (1568-1603) favored these natural wares did they develop into one of Japan's most loved ceramic styles.
 Above Pieces by the late Furutani Michio
PHOTOS: Top to Bottom, Rosanjin, Wada Morihiro, Tsujimura Shiro, Furutani Michio |